ARC Learning Hub

Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School Learning Hub Events

Live Events at Woodlands Primary School
16th June 2025 - click here to book
Virtual Events hosted by Woodlands Primary School
30th April 2025 - click here to book 

Woodlands Primary School is situated in Telford. The school is a larger than average-sized primary school, with approximately 432 pupils on role. The large majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds and the proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is below the national average, 14% of pupils come from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. Within the school, a high proportion of pupils are eligible for the pupil premium grant (approximately 44% PPG, 51 % Ever 6) and the proportion of pupils with special educational needs is above the national average, currently 31%.

The school is situated in a socio economically deprived area; the deprivation indicator is well above national average (0.39>0.18), in addition to this, pupil mobility is an issue across school as the proportion of pupils who join or leave the school partway through their primary school education is higher than average. A significant proportion of children entering nursery classes, start school way below typical levels of development, particularly in ‘Language and Communication’ and ‘Self Care’. Attendance figures are in line with local and national averages, currently 94%. Numbers of and complexity of need for SEND and chn open to services has continued to increase, over the past academic year, as have the numbers of vulnerable children-due to deprivation, poverty, SEMH etc. Behaviour is good, since the last graded inspection, numbers of exclusions have reduced (11 suspensions in the last 12 months, involving 5 children).

Woodlands is proud to be a Read Write Inc Accredited School, has a ‘Healthy School’ status and is an English Hub school, working in conjunction with St John Bosco and the DfE. The school has been awarded the Gold ARC award, in recognition for its work around ‘attachment aware and trauma informed practice’, and the Wellbeing award recognising the schools’ commitment to positive mental Health and wellbeing.

Since 2016, Woodlands have been working to develop attachment and trauma informed (TIAAS) practice, as an integral part of the school culture, following a whole school evaluation of the previous behaviour and discipline policy and practice. Woodlands worked with the Virtual school and Educational Psychologists to develop this practice, complete action research, gain the perspective of all stakeholders and support and share attachment aware practices. In 2024, Woodlands were awarded the ‘Gold’ accreditation, which recognises the school’s journey from their initial membership with the ARC to developing practice, sharing skills and knowledge beyond the school setting.

SLT understand that TIAA practice places the SEMH needs of children at the forefront and the approach addresses underlying causes instead of punishing dysregulated behaviour, providing safe and supportive environments for vulnerable pupils. Staff realise that training helps to build a safe, caring and inclusive environment by acknowledging the importance of understanding pupils’ different life experiences. The ambition was to implement whole scale strategic change to serve as a guide to support immediate and sustained behaviour change, including:

· develop classroom teaching and behaviour management strategies to enable vulnerable or disengaged pupils to make progress

· further develop ethos and culture

· build effective relationships with stakeholders

· support effective transitions for vulnerable pupils or those at risk of becoming disengaged

· raise awareness of the issues/needs around attachment and trauma

· reduce exclusions

· produce a portfolio of good practice

Staff know a TIAAs school is one where the staff understand the neuroscience behind A & T that stops vulnerable children from accessing learning. As such, significant training & CPD has been delivered to all staff.

Wellbeing Award Verification visit March 2024, ‘I cannot express strongly enough how impressed I was with all the school has achieved, not only in the pastoral care of its pupils and staff, but in the care and support it offers to the whole community. Woodlands is a school which is most definitely a leading light and a force to be reckoned with in the field of emotional wellbeing and mental health and one which deserves to be recognised for its wonderful achievements. I was overwhelmed by the wonderful care and support delivered to the whole community on a daily basis and am in awe of their determination to improve the life chances of their pupils.’

Ofsted 2023, ‘Leaders and staff work hard to support pupils to do their best. In addition, they find out about pupils’ lives and the things that matter to them. They build very supportive, caring relationships. They know pupils as individuals and let them know that they are special and valued. Leaders keep parents informed about school life and support families in many different ways…they lead a united staff and have built a successful partnership with parents. They go out of their way to win hearts and minds, both in school and the wider community.