ARC Chair Update - September 2024

I trust that all have had an enjoyable and relaxing summer and that the new school year has started positively.

The summer months have certainly seen a lot of changes and stark reminders that there is lot of work to be done to support across the education system.

There are many concerns raised by the suspension and exclusion data released in July. In isolation, this could generate a view around behaviour. However, considering this alongside other factors such as the challenges across the SEND system, the rise in poverty and the impact on children and young people, the data around attendance and mental health – there is a real need for a different approach. Is it now time to have a more connected strategic approach that is evidence led, inclusive, able to meet the needs of individuals and able to support the professional workforce.

The limitations of single headline grades have narrowed the inclusive approaches of too many of our schools and settings. I am pleased that they are being removed with immediate effect and look forward to the development of a wider and more informative inspection framework to be developed.

I am encouraged that the School Report Cards system will be introduced from September 2025 will have the potential to allow a wider and more holistic reflection of a schools’ work. At a time where there are growing concerns around the engagement and inclusion of all of our young people it is increasingly important that the Inspection and reporting system reflects the good practices that exist across schools and settings that actively meet the academic, emotional, and physical learning needs of each individual pupil.

I look forward to schools celebrating how they help ALL children and young people to succeed in their settings to flourish and become independent and successful adults. It is essential that the School Report Card is supported by a diverse learning experience that could emerge from the review of the curriculum, ensuring that all learners are able to follow aspirational and relevant learning pathways. In placing emotional and physical literacy alongside academic progress it will allow each child or young person and their staff to fulfil their potential. We must ensure that the potential of the Curriculum Review is fully realised and supported by relational-based delivery.

I am delighted that our redeveloped website and the ARC offer have been enhanced by a number of developments including:

  • Audit/Matrix Data dashboard
  • Audit review and support reports
  • ARC Tools Lead Practitioner Development Training
  • Digital Learning Programme - Webinars & Podcasts
  • Learning Events Programme
  • Learning Forums
  • Research & Evidence
  • Regional Conferences
  • Regional ARC Timpson Awards
  • Connectivity across the ‘system’
  • Relational Approaches Policy Guidelines
  • Breakfast Business Forums
  • Trauma informed & Attachment Aware Employers


Finally, I was, along with Zoe (ARC Director of Partnerships) really pleased to be part of an inspirational Post 16 Ethics Conference organised and hosted by President Kennedy School at the end of the last academic year. It was a privilege to work alongside such esteemed colleagues as Peter Lantos BEM, Dr Isabel Wollaston and Dr Dan Belcher across a diverse and thought provoking day for all the students attending. An outstanding event, reflecting the investment made by the schools staff into establishing, maintaining and prioritising strong relationships with their children and young people.

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