3rd April 2025 4pm - 5pm Learning Hub Events

Online Learning Hub Events: Bolsover Infant and Nursery School, Derbyshire, 03/04

Secondary Trauma and Planned Supervision

Webinar - Free to attend
Venue: Welbeck Road Bolsover, East Midlands, S44 6DE

Secondary trauma occurs through a process of empathetic engagement with the experiences of primary trauma survivors’.

For many of us, this is our daily bread and butter and this can often take it’s toll on the adults. This webinar takes a look at how one school has been working to recognise this
secondary trauma. How they have worked to support schools staff and their mental health. How they have begun to help staff understand the impact of secondary trauma on themselves and shares some of the ways they have begun to address this. Including counselling, supervision and mental health work across the school